Sellers Terms & Conditions


Zero Price Store brand name represents the website and applications of We Arrange Enterprises pvt. Ltd.

Zero Price Store Shipping & Delivery Charges

ZPS offers competitive shipping cost in relation to all online platforms in India. Our Logistics Partners pick up the product from your location and deliver it straight to the customer. Receive orders from all over India and focus more on selling your products online rather than handling the stress of shipping and logistics.

How to Ship Your Orders in 3 simple steps

Manage and process your order through the Zero Price Store Vendor panel.

Log on to the Zero Price Store Vendor panel and accept your order. Once done you will have to download and print the label and stick.

Pack your product and keep it ready for pickup.

Pack the product properly in plain packaging material with no branding. Zero Price Store does not provide any packaging material. Please ensure that the product is properly packed and paste the label on the packaging.

Handover the product to the Zero Price Store delivery partner.

Our logistics partner will collect the order from your address and deliver it to the customer.

Customers appreciate well packed products delivered in time. Time for you to relax and receive more orders.

Shipping Timeline

The orders must be shipped within 2-3 days from the date of receiving the order within the agreed time provided by you (also known as Service Level Agreement or SLA). You can check the status of your order and the days left for dispatch on the Zero Price Store Vendor panel.

Zero Price Store Return Policy

The customers can return the product within 7 days from the date of delivery and the shipments which could not be delivered to the customer get converted to an RTO (Return to Origin).

Zero Price Store gives vendors all the information they need to manage their customer returns or RTOs (Return to Origin) along with details on compensation and charges levied for each return/RTO. We have tools that help our vendors track and manage their returns, get order or product level data as well as detailed shipping tracking, payment and order history.

Return Shipping Fee

If a customer returns a product, then the vendor is charged a return shipping fee based on the weight of the shipment.

If an order is not delivered to a customer and gets converted to an RTO (Return to Origin), the seller will not be charged any additional fee for shipping.

All return & RTO related charges can be tracked & managed using different tools that are provided to the Zero Price Store vendors.

Please note that for some exceptional cases, the return shipping fees can be waived off.

No Cancellation Penalty

Happy customers are what we are looking at, so it is important for you to ensure that the products you have listed on the Zero Price Store are in stock and ready to ship. However, there could be delays that are beyond your control leading to late dispatch or order cancellation. In that case, Zero Price Store will not charge any penalty from you.

Zero Price Store Local Vendor Advantage

Zero Price Store Vendors are highlighted in proximity of the pin code of the customer, which means the customer notices offers first from vendors near his pin code. This helps the local vendors to offer to local customers also.

Exclusive Opportunity for Zero Price Store Vendors

Zero Price Store Vendors can refer other vendors and strengthen their relations with the vendor community. Please go through Privacy Policy for details applicable to all associated with Zero Price Store.